Over 700 academic institutions have used our software for learning, teaching, and research and we love to support the academic endeavor.
While our commercial software costs between $5,000 and $150,000, we understand that this is beyond the reach of most academics. We have, therefore, created two heavily subsidized offers for academics.
- Individual Student - $500: This offer is idea for post-grad students working on their thesis where AHP plays a role. $500 gets access to our full commercial software for use during their current post-grad course.
- Departmental Subscription - $1,500: This offer is designed to support a department and gives you the right to use the software for teaching and research purposes within your department for a 12-month period.
In both cases, the software cannot be used on projects where there is material "commercial value" being delivered. For example, if your research project ends up with a recommendation for a government or company to take a particular course of action, that would constitute "commercial value".
If you'd like to move forward with a purchase, please fill in the following information and email it to preeti@transparentchoice.com
Your Name:
Your University:
Your Department:
Your Department's Address:
Your University E-mail:
We will then send you an invoice for your selected product and, upon payment, we will set you up in the software.
Thanks again for your interest in TransparentChoice's AHP software.